发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2023 不同灌水量对核桃树生理、生长和果实品质的影响 生态学杂志 陈图强,徐贵青,陈家祯,刘深思,李金瑶,虎海防. CSCD
2023 咸水滴灌对盐地碱蓬生育规律的影响 草业科学 王宁, 赵振勇, 张心怡,刘四海,张 科,胡明芳 CSCD
2023 反硝化-分解模型在荒漠土壤CH4和N2O通量估计中的应用 中国沙漠 张世航, 岳平, 陈玉森, 郭浩,陆永兴,郭星,刘朝红,刘学军,周晓兵,张元明 CSCD
2023 干旱对梭梭水力性状及生理生化特性的影响 生态学杂志 彭兰,周晓兵,陶冶,尹本丰,李永刚,张静,张元明 CSCD
2023 Plants alter their aboveground and belowground biomass allocation and affect community-level resistance in response to snow cover change in Central Asia, Northwest China Science of the Total Environment Ailin zhang, Jinfei Yin, Yuanming Zhang,Ruzhen Wang,Xiaobing Zhou,Hao Guo SCI
2023 Shrubs have a greater influence on the nonstructural carbohydrates of desert mosses along precipitation decreased Environmental and Experimental Botany Shujun Zhang, Qing Zhang, Yonggang Li,Yongxing Lu ,Xiaobing Zhou ,Benfeng Yin,Yuanming Zhang SCI
2023 Moss crusts mitigate the negative impacts of shrub mortality on the nutrient multifunctionality of desert soils Soil Science Society of America Journal Qing Zhang, Benfeng Yin, Shujun Zhang, Yonggang Li, Yongxin Zang, Xiaoying Rong, Xiaobing Zhou, Ye Tao, Yuanming Zhang SCI
2023 Plant Growth Stimulatory Effect of Terrein and Its Mechanism of Action in Crops under Drought Stress Agriculture Lijing Lei,Shao Hua SCI
2023 Urban expansion and intra-urban land evolution as well as their natural environmental constraints in aridsemiarid regions of China from 2000–2018 Journal of Geographical Sciences PAN Tao,KUANG Wenhui,SHAO Hua,ZHANG Chi, WANG Xiaoyu, WANG Xinqing SCI
2023 Combining Multiple Plant Attributes to Reveal Differences in Community Structure in Two Distant Deserts in Central Asia Plants Ye Tao , Xiao-Bing Zhou , Ben-Feng Yin , Liliya Dimeyeva , Jing Zhang , Yong-Xin Zang , Yuan-Ming Zhang SCI
2023 干旱胁迫下梭梭水力性状调整与非结构性碳水化合物动态 植物生态学报 陈图强,徐贵青,刘深思,李彦. CSCD
2023 Moss patch size as a factor profoundly influencing soil nutrient characteristics and multifunctionality of temperate desert in Central Asia Ecological Indicators Yun-jie Huang,Yong-gang Li,Xiao-bing Zhou ,Ben-feng Yin,Ye Tao,Yuan-ming Zhang SCI
2023 天山不同海拔雪岭云杉生长季水分来源 干旱区研究 田胜川, 赵善超, 郑新军, 王玉刚, 李彦 CSCD
2023 脱硫石膏在碱土改良中的无机固碳作用 土壤学报 陈炳铭,冯文婷,王玉刚,陈园园,李彦. CSCD
2023 施用脱硫石膏对荒漠碱土剖面土壤有机碳分布的影响 中国粉体技术 孙丰华,陈炳铭,王玉刚 CSCD
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